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Looking for someone practising in the UK to spend the rest of your life with? Then try something different. Pure Matrimony is the world's largest matrimonial service for UK practising Muslims and alhamdulilah, we're currently helping 50 people a week on average get married.
So if you're tried of searching for Mr or Mrs Right and want to find a like-minded spouse who will insha'Allah be your companion in this life and the next, then look no further than Pure Matrimony.
Here's just some of the key features you can benefit from by joining us today:
Pure Matrimony is the first and only choice for practising single Muslims in the UK. We are the world’s largest Shariah-compliant Muslim matrimonial website, taking our inspiration from the Quranic verse "women of purity are for men of purity and men of purity are for women of purity" (Qur'an 24:26).
Alhamdulilah, our ethos is fully supported by many well-known Shayookh and dawah establishments. We are fully endorsed by the Islamic Online University and have appeared on Islam channel as well as Sister's Magazine for providing a true solution to the modern marriage crisis.
Unlike other Muslim matrimonial sites, our holistic approach to marriage is safe and halal, allowing single Muslims to search with confidence and security and without having to compromise their beliefs. Whether you are young or old, divorced or have never been married, Pure Matrimony offers equal opportunities to find your perfect Islamic match.
Our aim is to establish an environment conducive to practising single Muslims, creating a level of deep spiritual compatibility that removes a huge obstacle of doubt and worry with regards to faith and allows users to focus on other areas of compatibility.
Our unique features include the option for sisters to include their wali in conversations, and a team of moderators devoted to constantly ensuring the strict upholding of Islamic etiquette in all stages of contact between users as well as the individual profiles themselves. In addition to this, our users do not share profile pictures, enabling another potential cause of fitna to be removed, and instead allowing each person to explore the deeper and more meaningful aspects of compatibility with their potential matches first.
As part of our service, we offer guidance on the marriage process and Islamic etiquette when looking for a spouse in the form of videos, webinars and our Pure Matrimony blog, which all present a wealth of information for both single Muslims and also for those newly married couples seeking advice on how to obtain a successful marriage and family.
Click here to find out more: http://purematrimony.com/whyus.html
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