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    $9.45 per month

    Billed in an initial payment of $113.41 for 12 months and $24.21 per month thereafter until you cancel.

  • 6 Months

    $14.87 per month

    Billed in an initial payment of $89.20 for 6 months and $24.21 per month thereafter until you cancel.

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    $18.69 per month

    Billed in an initial payment of $56.07 for 3 months and $24.21 per month thereafter until you cancel.

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    $24.21 per month

    Billed in an initial payment of $24.21 for 1 months and $24.21 per month thereafter until you cancel.

Benefits of Subscribing

100% Privacyyesno
Restricted access to your photoyesno
Sophisticated Pure Matchingyesno
Sophisticated Advanced Searchyesno
Create and save favourite searchesyesno
View profilesyesno
Message or Contact profilesyesno
Request and see personal photosyesno
Answer members profile questionsyesno
Receive answers to your profile questionsyesno
Other members can see your profileyesno

What Are The Payment Options available?

Pure Matrimony gives you several options for making payment. You can pay online using your Credit/Debit Card or by PayPal. For your comfort and peace of mind there are some alternative payment methods such as Bank Transfer, Cheque or Postal Order. Certain countries have localized payment methods available*.

More information about payment methods is available here or after selecting your package. If you have any questions, queries or issues regarding payment, please contact our Help Centre. One of our customer service representatives will answer your query as soon as possible.

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*Please note that localized payment methods are only available in certain countries.

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