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Name: Nazneen
Age: 23
Profession: Home Maker
Location: United Arab Emirates
Walikum Salam Wa Rahamtullahi Wa Barakatuhu admin of Pure Matrimony website .. !!!!!
Jazaka Allah a lot for ur beautiful prayers & wishes. I also pray for your evergreen health and best in world & hereafter. Undoubtedly, you people are working best to meet people in this world Although we have faith that couples are already meant for each other in heaven years before they meet in the world. But you people make the journey as easy as possible for them.
Yess that is so true I came to know my mate through your esteemed website and nobody believes that it all happened within few days yes , yes you heard it right within just few days..
I would love to share my experience with everyone but would firstly start all over from the very beginning when the search of my future mate started in my life. It was since when we got shifted to our home country xxxxxxx from my birth place xxxxxx and i stepped into my college life & proposals came n went away and none could either impress my family nor they might be impressed by us this all happened for about three years . And even my mom registered me to a well known matrimonial website we did not found any positive response. Later we shifted back to the place I was born and therefore the atmosphere of proposals changed . My family eventually proposed a plan for me to shift back to my home country xxxxxxx but I never wanted to go back.
One day as my sister was surfing net and I was sitting beside her as she was using facebook just when she refreshed the page a very informative status attracted our whole attention that was related to family life this very thing really impressed us and she eventually clicked the SEE MORE button which turned the whole status on and from here the journey of my life began.. We saw the website named PURE MATRIMONY .. and eventually clicked on the linked which opened a new page and that was a MATRIMONIAL website having past unfair experience we did not had much interest but eventually decided to try the luck. Finally we started the registration process. It started with an oath being true at every step and so I did.
The best part of it is that it is purely a muslim matrimonial website. Now we were completed with the registration process I still remember that afternoon .. hahahahaha it was 24th July-2011..... Within next few days I started getting responses in my account.. but yet not impressive.. My family insisted just the decency, simplicity & modesty. Then the very next week I received the message from the very person which is now my life partner. Then after few information my family got satisfied with the person & family which followed by exchanging our details and then we contacted each other through this website. Later our families decided to meet.The meeting was held in the month of OCTOBER after few telephonic conversations.The meeting resulted to pure satisfaction and therefore both the families agreed upon the relation. :D And we got married in the month of November-2011 (MASHA ALLAH) And now Alhamdulilah we are experiencing a peaceful life and with joy and happiness... Experiences of married life are still going on and will always be a new one. ;)
Day by day love and care for each other increases ignoring each others fault and weaknesses..
We started our beautiful relation with NIKAAH not enagagement for that is the thing which lasts long and completely pure.
At the end I would like to advice my all brothers and sisters in islam to never to lose hope You never know when the day would come when your whole world would completely be changed just as mine... So best of luck to all the people who are striving Sooner or later you are going to meet your life partner which will turn your life into joys and happiness forever in sha Allah..
I found this website really good , useful and sincere with their mission helping people finding their right best person of life as compared to other websites which just wants to make money and nothing else . A big huge of applause and heartly Jazaka Allah to Pure Matrimony on turning my life into golden one...
Jazakumullahu khairan wa ahsanul jaza :)))
Walikum Salaam Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barkatuhu.....
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