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We Help 100 People Get Married a Week!

We know how difficult it is meeting someone special to share life's
journey with... you want to find someone deeply compatible, but in a way that doesn’t compromise your values as a practising Muslim.

Finding the right person shouldn't be so hard!

That's why we created our unique 3 Step Pure Match System™ which is designed to help you connect with the right person in a halal way.

Our 3 Step Pure Match System focuses on deep compatibility which is the only basis for a marriage that lasts.

Our system is so successful that we're currently helping an average of 100 people a week find their perfect partner!

Watch the video to find out more about Pure Matrimony!

Find Your Pure Match

Here's How It Works:

Step 1

Create your profile and account

Step 2

Clarify who you are and what you're looking for

Step 3

Connect with the right matches based on who you're most compatible with

Success Stories

  • Farihah

    It was important for me to find a practicing Muslim who took the deen seriously and was from a stable practising family. Pure Matrimony was definitely a good alternative, especially compared to other matrimonial websites where it can be struggle to find someone who is practising.

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  • Rahman

    I should begin by praising Allah (SWT) for having mercy on me through this stressful search and keeping me patient and sane, and express my gratitude to the PM team for the help they have given me in an area that is no doubt full of hardship and trials.

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  • Omar

    I started to seriously think of marriage when I was in my early twenties when I was finishing medical school in Ireland, especially when my older sisters got married. But none of my effort resulted to marriage. My parents were unwell and so we were left on my own to find potential husbands. My sisters got married in their late twenties.

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  • Nazneen

    Undoubtedly, you are working best to meet people in this world, although we have faith that couples are already meant for each other in heaven, years before they meet in the world. But you people make the journey as easy as possible for them. I came to know my spouse through your esteemed website and nobody believes that it all happened within just few days.

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  • Siddiqui

    Be patience and wait for your turn just pray to Allah and think positive and believe whatever the Allah will give will be the best for your life. I am really thankful to Pure Matrimony people Allah give them the big honour in Heaven and all happiness on earth who provide me the greatest way to find a best life partner.

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  • Zaynab

    My search to find a spouse started when I was 21 and just finishing uni. I first came across Pure Matrimony when I attended an Alkauthar course in London. I was quite thrilled to know that there was a new website where brothers who go to alkauthar courses would be on there.

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  • ahmednadir

    I began using Pure Matrimony early 2016 & cutting my long up & down experience-filled story short alhamdulilah found my long patiently-awaited soul-mate in every sense of the word. We're happily married & I can hardly wait till we're in Allah's Jannah together.

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  • Se7endubai

    So we have been married for an year now. We found each other on Pure Matrimony. it seemed really intangible when we looked into each others profile because of our nationalities, but there was a catch and it was because of Pure Matrimony we were able to land our relationship right in a dignified manner. The catch was our values dictated by Islam, interests and worldly aspirations.

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Take a look at how Pure Matrimony has helped so many others find their happily ever after

See Our Success Stories

Why should you try Pure Matrimony?

Our ethos is based upon the Quranic ayah in which Allah states
"Women of Purity are for men of Purity and men of Purity are for women of Purity" (Quran 24:26)

We believe that serving Allah SWT and actively seeking His pleasure is the ultimate foundation for success... and this can only be achieved when you marry someone who shares the same values and beliefs as you do.

If that's something you believe in too, then join us today.

Simply register now to find your pure Smatch or learn more about how we can help you!

About UsFind Your Pure Match


Unlike many other matrimonial websites we pride ourselves on the unique features we have introduced to keep this website in accordance with Islamic beliefs.


We understand that privacy is very important for you. Your personal data will remain private with us. You can even choose which members can see your photos.


We care about your security and we use industry-leading technologies such as Business Validated Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to keep your data safe.

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Pure Matrimony

Marriage For Practising Muslims

Pure Matrimony